Saturday, 6 October 2012

3D Design Progress

The images are not great but this is how the sculpture has progressed.

I want to add a natural element into the piece to contrast against the geometric structure.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

3D Media

Just started the 3D Media section of my Foundation Course in Art and Design

I am exploring abstract sculpture through experimenting with everyday materials

Here is what I have produced so far

Monday, 10 September 2012

Bread Gherkin

Summer project was to create a 3D sculpture using bread as the starting point.

This small project was based on the concept of bread being high in carbohydrates. Poorer places in the world value bread as a high source of energy which contrasts against the richer areas where it is often cut out due to low carb diets.

The idea behind the piece is that its a high class building built from bread which almost acts as a juxtaposition. The images pinned on show some news cuttings about the amount of bread the Britain alone wastes.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012


More of my work is over on my Flickr account

Go take a look at my online portfolio!

Monday, 6 August 2012


I have been set a task to create a book about a colour. I chose the colour orange due to the vast amount of it I saw whilst on holiday in France.

Here is the first batch...

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Chemical Photography

I've been learning how chemical photography works for the last four weeks. I've used my own homemade pinhole camera to take photos using a variety of different exposure lengths.

Here is what I came out with

This was a four week exposure which I took